
1 Responsible party / person

The responsible party is the natural or legal person who alone or jointly with others responsible for the content of the website:

TMP-The Manager Project GmbH
Thomas Richter, CEO
Cunostraße 107
14199 Berlin

TMP-The Project Manager GmbH is a company founded and operated in Germany. The company registration number is HRB 218906 B. Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany.

The VAT-number - according to § 27 UStG - is: DE333174633

For the context responsible according § 55 Abs. 1 RStV: Thomas Richter

2 Third party links

This website may use third party links. The owner of this website has no influence of the content of this website and cannot take any responsibility for the content shown or downloaded from these websites.